Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In 45 Years Not one white Christian Man

In 45 years of political nominations for the supreme court democrats have not once nominated a white christian man. In fact they have fought tooth and nail to discredit and denounce any man who has been nominated by republicans.
Here is an opinion article about on it:
Pretty telling stuff and an obvious exposure of why the rights of men of all races have been attacked repeatedly by these leftist democrats. This sexism pushes beyond race and hurts all men as the one sure way to attack the white man.
Mr. Buchanan writes that it is against seemingly white christians, but I submit that the real target is simply men. Being white and to a lesser degree christian just makes for an easier target by playing the race and religion cards they still manage to target men in more of the blast radius than women.
It is time to ask these liberals why they are so racist, sexist, and bigoted.


  1. I too have noted that the SCOTUS seems to be uncannily full of non-Christians.

  2. Makes it seem like they are trying too hard.
