Friday, July 10, 2009

Man Jailed for 14 years over divorce case

I simply cannot believe this story.

The judge in his case ruled that he was hiding 2.5 Million dollars and sentenced him to rot in jail until he turned the money over.

Apparently the ex-wife managed just fine without that extra 2.5 million for 14 years.

I don't know anything else about this case but if the man was able to make enough money to hide 2.5 million of it I seriously doubt he would have stayed in jail 14 years for it. With that kind of money making ability I am sure he could have made it all back in under 14 years so I tend to believe the guy didn't have it.
If he did have it hidden then by giving up 14 years of his life to prove a point for men everywhere and for not giving in I say HUZZAH SIR!!!!
Not that I know if he was trying to be a poster child for men's rights, but if he did have it he was holding out for his own rights and we need more men like him.


  1. Chadwick Beatty is American Hero. He's the Nelson Mandella, the Mahatma Gandhi of our times. His opressors are the Judicial Gender-Apartheid under whose yoke we've all been living since the 1970's.

  2. Not quite a child support martyr, but this fellow did indeed demonstrate that the state's willingness to incarcerate until blood money is paid has its limits.
