Monday, May 4, 2009

Femenomics 101

Somewhere not so long ago I read an article about how women have a lock down on something like 70% of all the real wealth in America. I believe the article said it had something to do with men dying off like 10 years sooner than women and the widow getting all the wealth. I seem to remember the article also mentioned that a large percentage of the divorced women manage to get the retirement accounts and assets of their ATM…er I mean ex-husbands as well.

Of late however I have discovered the real reason… its called Femenomics. Femenomics became the actual rules for all law, business and finances in the U.S. sometime after the Reagan era. I am betting it was slipped through congress during Clinton’s time in office when the democrats had a majority while ol’ Bill was too busy sizing up fat chicks with tobacco products to notice, I am sure Hillary had something to do with it but I digress.

Anyway Femenomics fits nicely these days with Femonys. A Femony is a felony commited by a woman or women. The cool thing about a Femony is that the women convicted of one, or even multiple ones, gets to serve approximately one tenth of the penalty or prison time of a man who was convicted of a similar felony. In this way women can steal, assault, lie, commit fraud, murder, child abuse or whatever they like and often times get away with it for free, in some cases they can even manage to get lawyers to defend them for free just for being women. Ok so more on Femony later back to Femenomics.

You see in Femenomics women start getting alimony and/or child support the minute they file for divorce, along with everything else. In Femenomics the women continue to get this support even after they lie about their monthly expenditures, put their new three DUI getting boyfriends on their car insurance and run up 20K in credit card debt. In fact in Femenomics they get more money from the ATM….er I mean ex husbands if they do these things.

In reverse Femenomics which effect men like say me, who three years ago saved his son from the mothers second live in, cocaine dealing, alcoholic, child abuser, boyfriend, only to face kidnapping charges (dropped), assault charges (also dropped) and then thousands of dollars of legal bills to finally get custody of said son. Only then to find out that Femenomics means that for three years no one makes the female pay a friggin dime. In fact in Femenomics the woman still claims said child on her income tax and no one does a thing about it, but thats ok when they finally do she will fall under the Femony laws and more than likely the Ex-husband will have to pay the IRS back.

Yes in Femenomics the man pays from day one, social services is there with the government hand out the minute the woman files papers. If social services cannot find the guy well the bill keeps adding up, but in Femenomics they don’t even look for the deadbeat mom…wait in Femenomics they are called pro-choice moms only men are called dead beats. Yes in Femenomics the women get free lawyers, free child support enforcement, free summons, and free support all provided by the State or Federal government free of charge. Men get to save for years to hire their own lawyer and be constantly told there is nothing social services can do for them. In Femenomics coupled with Femony law, social services claim they cannot find the pro-choice mother even when she has been convicted of Femony bank fraud and they claim the bill does not even start to accumulate until they do find dead…er pro-choice mom.

Yep Femenomics is the wave of the future fellas. Sometime down the road I will explain how Femenomics touches on education, business and home loans and government bids but I think the child support enforcement code is enough for tonight.


  1. Dude,

    That post was fucking gold! There's a short phrase for what you described though: pussy pass. Women get it, and we don't...


  2. Thanks Markymark

    Can't believe I don't have your blog on my list either. I know I read it daily and I thought it was on there. Guess I just follow the link from one of the others but yours is on there now. Keep up the good work!
