I have been in an active and very rewarding relationship with a woman I swear has got to be the most kind hearted, least confrontational, happy individual I have ever met.
When I first started dating her about a year ago she often told me she was bossy and bitchy. Well I don't know why she thinks that, or maybe she is just constantly keeping something inside but I just never see it. She apologizes to me about a hundred times whenever we drive somewhere since she insists that I drive but then tells me where to turn, what lane to be in, how fast to drive etc. I just giggle everytime she does this. In fact I will admit her instructions are often very useful, she is a very good co-pilot. I still refuse to stop for her to rescue wandering turtles on the road however.
She is also very liberal, yep a left leaning democrat. She also represents the rarest kind of liberal I have ever had the pleasure to meet, totally open-minded. I am sure I will mention her more in the future but I needed to introduce her as a lead in to this post.
Often in our various debates she will loudly exclaim, "I am not like that, your generalizing all women together". That is a hard statement to counter because she is right. She certainly is very different and close enough to me that I can't simply wave her statement off as fluff. Recently however I changed tactics.
If generalizing all women together is wrong, then explain to me how it is fair to lump all men together as violent criminals who attack women physically? She replies of course that she doesn't do this. I point out that in fact by supporting the current domestic crime laws and the no questions asked exparte/restraining orders she does.
Despite all the stories other men have told me of being slapped with these orders and prevented from retrieving their possessions or other items, even their check books and debit cards. I will just focus on my own experiences concerning un-warranted restraining type orders. Interestingly enough after I got custody of my son I haven't so much as called my useless pro-choice ex-wife even once yet before when it was still my job to call my son or check on his progress at school she would always resort to the "no questions asked exparte" and then never show up for the court hearing that was usually scheduled months after the police would come by my place of work to serve me.
So by law, enforced by and served by our law enforcement, I am generalized without question as being a violent stalker without a trial, and even when the accuser doesn't even show in court and the exparte is dropped there are no repercussions for her unsubstantiated accusations.
Perhaps women need to stop their support for the generalizing of men before they complain that men lump all women together these days.... Just a thought.
Here is a link I found discussing the situation: http://www.dumpyourwifenow.com/2007/08/04/are-abuse-shelters-helping-deceitful-women
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