Earlier today another blogger (thanks Mr. M) pointed out this article which kinda goes hand in hand with what I have been saying about feminism "Killing" the American economy. In this article the author points out how women's groups (Especially NOW) managed to get the stimulus spending turned into yet more Femenomics funds.
I read sometime ago about men making up 80% of the unemployed who have lost their jobs during this downturn. I almost made a blog about it 2 months ago when I saw some female journalists talking about the racial percentages of women effected by this crisis and yet nothing about men. I also remember the statement last December or so by our then president elect Obama about how the stimulus was to encompass everyone "Not just white male construction workers". Now I see how his statement fits into what actually happened behind the scenes.
After NOW got ahold of the stimulus package they managed to divert almost half of it to mostly female occupation areas giving women an estimated 42% of the jobs created yet they make up only about 20% of the jobs lost. JUST WOW.
One quote from the article I really liked was
"Our incoming president did what many sensible men do when confronted by a chorus of female complaint: He changed his plan."
Just wonderful and yet the Great One himself has the nerve to attack men for not being fathers in June after he allows himself to be browbeat into hamstringing men even more a few months earlier?
Femenomics lead by women's special interest groups like NOW are killing this country. They have over spent in an effort to replace men with the government. They have allied themselves with illegal immigration to keep their numbers up for votes. They help to support voter fraud and as I still plan to show were the major contributor(s) to the recent housing bubble collapse.
Unless men as a solid group begin to demand and force change soon we wont have an economy left and that change will be thrust on us anyway.
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