Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Angry White Liberal AND Feminist too

I read this opinion article by Matthew Continetti today. It's a good look at how liberal main stream media and reporters operate.
I just wish he would have added in some feminist examples although a number of these do cross over (in more ways than one I imagine).

Here are a few quotes:

The King of the Angry White Liberals, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, wrote on August 14 that Grassley is "flat-out despicable." Resistance to the Democrats' plans, Krugman continued, amounts to an "outpouring of hate," the result of "the paranoia of a significant minority of Americans and the cynical willingness of leading Republicans to cater to that paranoia." (For the record, more Americans disapprove than approve of Obamacare.)

I am glad he picked Krugman to talk about first. This guy maybe king of the "angry white liberals" but he is also top ass kisser of the loudmouth mangina association as well. I really need to read up more on this Krugman I swear he must have cut off his scrotum during a woman studies class at Harvard and turned it in for a term paper or something. The useless entitlement instructor more than likely still has it framed on her wall too.

The Angry White Liberal finds it simply incomprehensible that somebody might honestly and in good faith disagree with the Democrats' efforts. On August 14, blogger Steve Benen wrote on the Huffington Post that the "far-right apoplexy is counter-intuitive." After all, "Why would people who stand to benefit from health care reform literally take to the streets and threaten violence in opposition to legislation that would help them and their families?"
Why do spineless bloggers like Benen pander to women and support laws which men (and yes even kitchen bitches like Benen still count as men at least in the eyes of the law) are the unconstitutional victim of? My guess is that most Americans don't feel they will benefit from paying for every immigrants in-grown toenails but Benen thinks he is making points with the "chicks" by being a libtard.
On the Rachel Maddow Show on August 19, Star Times columnist Frank Rich warned that the current debates surrounding health care resemble the "walk up to the Kennedy assassination."
Rachel Madcow. Now there is a screamer. Sometimes in the evening when I am feeling like maybe a night out at the bar might be just the thing and I find myself thinking maybe it would be alright to hit on a few bar chicks. I just turn on MSNBC and watch this harpy - its more effective than a cold shower and a vasectomy with a rusty pair of scissors.
I don't know who Frank Rich is but when I start seeing fliers handed out with Obama's picture and profile and a target then maybe he can compare the "current crisis" with 1964 Dallas.
It is just so amazing how many liberals are also raging feminist as well.

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