Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gender Gap in Happiness? Women are never happy!!!

So I read this article the other day from the "Epoch Times"
Basically this is an article about a study done by the University of Pennsylvania on the happiness scale of women since the plague of feminism. Or something like that.

Here is a link to the study PDF:

So in a rambling sort of way they are backing up what I have seen written about on numerous blogs in the men's rights sphere. Women are unhappy!!!
OMG there is a newsflash. Seriously the unhappiness of women is what got us into this bigoted, gender biased mess America finds itself in today. Why? Because women are NEVER happy by and large and seriously NEVER happy when taken as a group.... NEVER Did you get that? NEVER.

Here is a good quote from the article:
It acknowledges the improvements in women’s lives, which militants still take pains to deny with their rhetoric about the “wage gap” and so on. With this crowd, it’s always 1958. Women are supposed to be angry at all times, and angry people, by definition, are not happy people. Many observers, in fact, were not happy with the “Paradox” paper. As some commentators suggested, it could also be the case that the feminist movement sold women a bill of goods

Ya know mostly the only women I ever meet that are happy these days were the ones who were raised before 1960 or very shortly there after and ignored feminism for the most part. Not to say that plenty of women that age or older aren't just as unhappy and as much a shrew as younger women. NO. The key factor in those who figured feminism peaked at them getting a job and embraced the earlier female model they witnessed in their own mothers and grand mothers. Those women are truly happy today.

And yes I know more than a few women like that happy, supportive, STILL MARRIED after 50. In fact if it wasn't for women like that I would have turned on all women long ago but those few good ones made me think there were some good ones left so I kept trying. I have found one who seems to be but again she was raised in a two parent household, had a good relationship with her father and idolized her mother who despite being a traditional mother went on and became a lawyer herself. Now that's a roll model.

These specimen are so rare that I really shouldn't mention them.
The danger as the article pointed out in the end in a way is that unhappy women make things worse and women are still unhappy.... SO they are going to make things worse unless men finally stand up and say....
Ya know gentlemen I sometimes think feminism was really just one huge shit test (If you want to know what a shit test is follow the link to Roissey's site to the right) and we men collectively failed it.


  1. "Ya know gentlemen I sometimes think feminism was really just one huge shit test (If you want to know what a shit test is follow the link to Roissey's site to the right) and we men collectively failed it."

    It's this sentence that woke me up to better understanding "game" a couple months ago. It explains almost everything. I can't see it being harmful to at least understand.

  2. BA,

    It takes a STUDY to tell us women are unhappy?! Come on! Like that's a shocker...


  3. The view of feminism as the most ingenious shit test ever invented is one I have seen bounced around at Roissy's before. It certainly has some appeal, and it's a fun way of looking at it, but I don't think that the feminist leaders were interested in shit testing men as much as they were in radical power transfers.

    As to the main subject of the article, women are unhappy because feminism has raised their expectations to stratospheric heights that no real life can possibly satisfy: the perfect job, the perfect man, the perfect kids, no compromises and so on. Women wake up in their 40s and discover ... that things are not as they thought they would be. Instead of having it all, they learn the hard way that life, for everyone, is a series of compromises, and especially for women because of their role relating to children. Women who have tried to avoid those compromises (by trying to have kids in the early 40s, or marrying a stay at home dad, or avoiding family altogether and so on) have found that these strategies also do not lead to increased happiness, and often lead to a lot of frustration. Feminism basically lied to women when it told them "Women are just like men, and you will be happier if you live your life more like men lead their lives". Women have followed that advice in droves, pursuing career before family, pursuing numerous casual sex partners rather than pairing off relatively early on and so on -- and they're finding that this kind of behavior is not making them happy.

    This is what happens when you take the conventional wisdom about life that had been accumulated over the course of millenia and trash it completely in the course of a single generation. The result is social chaos, and we have the decided misfortune of living in an age characterized by precisely the kind of confusion and chaos that ensues when there are virtually no consensus social values around male/female relationships, sexuality, and family life. The folly, of course, was to take the core institution of human life (mating, procreation and family) and turn it inside out by removing all of the rules and social conventions around it. Of course people are not going to be happy when you do that. Particularly women, who naturally have a somewhat stronger drive to have children than men do.

    This happiness gap will continue, I think, for some time. The education gap will ensure that, because the "next big thing" for women will be the reality that the rising generation of women and the one behind it are simply going to have many, many more educated women than men, and so relatively few will be able to find hypergamously satisfactory mates. So expect a lot more soft polygamy, even more women deploying sex as a means to try to snag one of the few hypergamous men left, and a lot of articles and so on about the lack of "good men" (read: hypergamously satisfactory men) ... and ... continued female unhappiness.

  4. My theory that feminism is a big shit test mostly rises from the perspective that most shit tests women put out are done without any real thought. Not even women know or understand why they do them and are not even aware they are doing them.

    In a macro way once they got one concession they kept going with another shit test. Just like in a marriage gone bad by giving into the test men failed it.

    And yep I see things getting worse and the gap widening.

  5. Marky Mark--that was funny.

    I've been saying for the longest time that women today are not happier. Now instead of having a husband who cares (though he isn't perfect), they wonder at how difficult it is to find a husband AT ALL. Is it really all that humiliating to make sure your man has a pleasant home to return to and listen to his day as opposed to having a crappy boss who is awful to deal with? Sure there were and ARE abusive men (and women), but the majority were reasonably happy.

  6. I'm happy. Disgustingly happy. But then again, I'm not a Feminist. :-)

  7. Umm, I'm not happy because I would have had far greater status 100 years ago than today. My family may have it, but we don't offer dowrys anymore. I'm not a feminist, yet I am unhappy because I haven't found anyone either and now I am looking at having to find a new career. I'm unhappy because I've had a number of injuries that caused me to gain weight. I'm not happy because it is difficult to find likeminded Christian friends. I feel another blog entry coming on...It's an obsession really.

  8. A couple of hints that might help relationships.

    1. If I am damned if I do and damned if I don't then I don't.

    2. If I can do no right then your opinion of of no value to me.

    3. If you are looking for the perfect man or woman you are going to be unhappy because they do not exist

    4. Only you can make yourself unhappy, miserable or otherwise you need to get out. Life gives you what you put into it.

    5. When you seek to deceive, the only one who is deceived is you for you are neither as smart as you think you are or as dumb as others think you are.

    Offered by a guy who has been married for almost 47 years to a great wife who knows when to give me HELL and when to not.

  9. Forgot one of the most important ideas:
    There is a thing called the Circle of Life which starts with dependence, then grows to independence, then when you marry interdependence, when one or the other dies independence then the finally step as you age dependence. The most important part for a man and woman is to remember that it is interdependence that counts. You both bring positives and negatives to the table and the smart approach uses the skills and abilities of both to create, excuse the word use, synergy.

    Life can be a lot of fun facing the challenges together if you just enjoy it. Most things are not that important that they would be worth arguing over.
    My two cents for what its worth.
